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- "Les Bons Temps Devant Nous? (Good Times Ahead?)" - International Association of Insurance Receivers February 15, 2019
- "Self-Insurance, Affordable Care Act, and Audits" - Mainline Association for Continuing Education April 23, 2015
- "Self-Insurance" - Radnor Benefits November 12, 2015
- "Self-Insurance, Affordable Care Act, and Audits" - Mainline Association for Continuing Education April 23, 2015
- "Delaware Captive Insurance Association Panel Discussion - Innovative Captive Designs for Employee Benefits" - April 9, 2010
- "Navigator 2009 Employee Benefits Survey" - January 21, 2010
- "Kistler Tiffany / Navigator 2009 Employee Benefits Survey" - November 12, 2009
- "Crossing the Bridge of Employer-Sponsorship to Employee-Ownership"
- Mainline Association for Continuing Education November 20, 2008
- "Industry Convergence Health Care & Financial Services"
- Society of Professional Asset-managers and Record Keepers (SPARK Forum) November 2, 2004
Our National Health Care Contributions As A Volunteer Actuary
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- "A Tour of AI Technologies in Time Series Prediction", Society of Actuaries - July, 2019
- "Drivers of 2020 Health Insurance Premium Changes" - June, 2019
- "Drivers of 2016 Health Insurance Premium Changes" - August, 2015
- "Potential Implications of the Small Group Definition Expanding to Employers with 51-100 Employees" - March, 2015
- "Premium Setting in the Individual Market" - March, 2010
- "State-Level Impacts" - November, 2009
- "Health Insurance Cooperatives" - October, 2009
- "Transitioning to New Market Rules" - August, 2009
- "Public Option" - June, 2009
- "Actuarial Equivalence" - May, 2009
- "The Individual Medical Insurance Market: A Guide for Policymakers" - October, 2008
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